Waiting in anticipation for the ball to roll, the co-author and his girlfriend stared at the numbers that the ball will hit.
It hit.. number 4!
"Darn, there went my $10 chip to the casino!"
- Don't gamble your life...
Main Author : KNN... people go up Genting... taruh 10K lar, 20K, 100K lar... your one only RM10... kacang only lar..
"Do, or do not. There's no 'try'", Master Yoda (from Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back).
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
To the author and co-author related family member for having "colourful" SPM results...
"CLAP... CLAP... CLAP..."
Bravo... 7As!!!!!!!!!!
-Felt intense while waiting for his result. Congratulation to him!
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