Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Rivers of Babylon by Boney M

So it seems today is our last day and tonight is End-of-World. I'm still sitting at my cubicle, trying to solve my SAP issue. Made myself a hot cup of white Boh tea. It is now sitting next to my notebook. I can smell its aroma. It's nice. The taste is rich of milk and I just took a sip. It tasted good. 

Of course, if the world comes to an end then I won't be attending work tomorrow. Definitely, the IT Dept's Christmas party gone too. I bet everyone wake up at Pearly Gates with the largest and longest queue that God would ever see in his ever presence since the dawn of humanity. However, if the tonight pass out without a flick of explosion and screams, then rest assured there will be another one coming, 2035. Will there be another movie on this?

Anyway, let's all join hands and sing "Rivers of Babylon" by Boney M : 

williamwilstroth... 2012, Rivers of Babylon, end-of-world

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