Friday, October 30, 2009

Sad Sad Sad Day for my car...

Yesterday had been a hell raising and blood curdling situation because my office tag had broken down and utlimately, some asshole decided to dent my new car with a tiny hole the size of your last little finger. That's the ultimatum that really make my day bad! With exhaustiveness excerted from my tension  job plus this kind of unwanted event, i could not bare it anymore. I took second half day, dashed home to wax off that puny little dent that aching my heart.

After I wax... that dent is still there...

Had a really mixy feeling yesterday. I could not even close my eyes to rest and my Friday sleep was barely restful. I am disheartened to think that people would do such nasty thing to other people's car. I doubt my dent is the result of being hit by another car door. Apart from that, I suspected that there might be someone in my workplace did that dent. If you look at it, that dent looks more like intentionally made it there.

This morning, I'd just sent it to a recommended workshop to mend that dent and repaint it. Hopefully, it is fix as good as new. Oh gosh, this car is only 3 weeks old! I am sad that this kind of thing happen. Anyway, the dent is made, I hope that person is happy now that he has fulfilled his gratification intentionally or unintentionally made that hole.

Damn you, whoever that made that dent there!

williamwilstroth... sad sad sad day...

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